Culatello di Zibello

The Original Culatello di Zibello

The Culatello is one of the most precious products of italian charcuterie, born on XV Century on southern shore of Po river in Parma’s district area called “Bassa” the lowlands, an historical big border between Emilia and northern region.

Culatello di Zibello is a strong expression of his territory, of the big influence of the river on abitants of the area and local weather conditions. Tecnically Culatello di Zibello is a pork buttock, cured and aged into a bladder: Culatello is not a prosciutto, is not a salami, but is a cross product, invented to protect meat from the hot and humid summer on river shores, from moulds growned in this cellar where water runs just under the floor, from autumnal, thick, fog.

Culatello di Zibello affettato

Culatello di Zibello is still handmade in 8 villages that are the production area protected by European Certification Pdo, is traditionally made only in winter season, with the same process and list of ingredients codified in centuries. Only pork meat and salt, some producers used to massage meat with wine, bladder is sewed by hand and fast and skilled “norcini” make a net to hang on Culatelli in dedicated cellars to mature and age at least 14 months.

Culatello di Zibello express a strong personality, with cellar room notes so evident in his parfume and in his taste, delicate but rich, and is perfect accompanied with local sparkling wines, like Fortana, a red grape typical from sandy soil of river shores. With a Parma Golosa Gourmet Tour dedicated to Culatello di Zibello you can visit cellars, have a full explanation of history and connection with its terroir and taste its unique texture and taste. A truly experience you couldn’t miss when you are visiting Parma.

culatello di zibello